
Enterprises & public institutions – information on participation and its use

The platform of sopro offers free consultation for enterprises and public institutions.



Social Production aims at the central goal of contributing towards an improved cooperation between social enterprises, economic enterprises and public clients. Currently, free consulting is offered in Lower Austria, Vienna, Styria, Burgenland, and West Hungary (Komitate Zala, Vas and Gyoer-Moson-Sopron) for a procuration and development of sustainable products and services, respectively, and networking with social enterprises! Until December 2014 financed by funds of the European Union within the framework of ETC HU-AT.


How can I participate?

You are interested in cooperation with social enterprises and workshops in your region? You wish to assume social responsibility, and to show this actively? You place an emphasis on the environment and sustainability? You are pleased with innovative products out of waste materials of your enterprise / of the respective public institution? You wish to make use of services in your region?


Communicate your interest to

We will be in a position to offer free consultation in Lower Austria, Vienna, Styria, Burgenland, and West Hungary, because the implementation of new cooperation is subsidized by the European Union within the framework of the sopro HU-AT ETC project until December 2014.


What does sopro offer?

The platform of sopro supports cooperation between economic enterprises / public institutions and social enterprises through consultation, development and networking. Precisely, the service of procuration comprises the following offers:

  • Procuration of a service
  • Procuration of a production step (assembly)
  • Reprocessing and revitalization of waste material
  • Development of a CSR lead product for enterprises

The platform of sopro makes efforts to consider aspects of sustainability insofar as possible.


How does it work?

  • We consult (first consultation in enterprises / in public institutions)
  • We develop (in case of innovative products)
  • We network (with social enterprises)
  • We support cooperation (communication, procuration)
  • We report (documentation, PR)


What benefit will sopro afford me?

Social Production is effective in the enterprise / in the respective public institution and their surroundings, respectively:

  • On a social level: sopro has a strong CSR character. The economic enterprise / public institution assume social responsibility through cooperation with occupational projects. This is not a matter of donations or charity activities, but appreciating cooperation at eye level.
  • On an ecological level: When implementing products and procuring services, respectively, ecological criteria are considered. It is the aim to develop solutions which are as sustainable as possible (for instance through revitalization of waste material)
  • On an economic level: Innovative quality products and services. Usage of services and offers at a fair price.
  • On a regional level: Social Production is often performed in relations at close distance, and thereby provides a small contribution towards the strengthening of the region.

Mitmachen: 12.Nov.2012 Teilen Share on Google+